Our Roots
The Hispanic Collaborative is a direct outcome of community visioning by over 100 Hispanic community leaders in response to the 2016 Latino Study, conducted by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. As outlined in this study, our community has experienced exponential population growth and in its ability to impact our region’s workforce, competitiveness and economic prosperity. However, this same research also points to persistent and serious challenges.

Where We Are Headed
As part of our process, we looked at how Milwaukee ranks against 50 other Hispanic cities. Milwaukee is currently 44th out of 50 cities on the Hispanic Well Being Index. This index measures 20 different variables about Latinos and compares us to the top metros in the U.S. Through our work, we are focused on improving outcomes for our Latino community and moving Milwaukee into the top 10 cities.

How We Will Get There
With a data driven approach, we are focusing on areas that will give us the most improvement. Each of our areas of focus has an active and broad-based Community Working Group and a Planning Committee focused on its mission that develops strategy and align people, organizations and other resources to help reach the goal. Learn more about these committees.